Our mission is to lead individuals to Christ so that they can experience authentic redemption and be set free. We aim to be a community-focused church that puts the love of Christ into action.
Our vision is to exist as a church that embodies a multi-generational and multicultural set of believers. We wish to bridge the gap between the former and the present generation of believers to encourage unity and collaboration in the body of Christ.
It is due to the love of God and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that we are saved. Thus, as children of God saved by grace and loved by Christ, it is our duty to love others. We value love for humanity, empathy for the broken and for the hopeless, and kindness towards all of God’s creation.
We believe that Jesus is the son of God and that God sent Jesus, His only begotten Son, as a living sacrifice to save humanity from our sins. We believe that Jesus was crucified on a cross, was buried in a tomb, and that He rose in glory three days later. We believe that Jesus is now at the right hand of God the Father and that He (Jesus) will soon return for His bride which is us—the church. We believe that the only way to heaven is through Jesus and we believe in baptism and repentance. We also believe in the holy trinity which is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Lastly, we believe that God created everyone in His image and that He has a unique purpose and calling for us all.